
Mergers and Acquisitions

adquisiciones abogados san jose costa ricaIn the event of mergers or acquisitions of companies, our firm advises buyers and sellers in the exhaustive review of the company that is the object of the business to determine, before the transaction, any possible contingency under current labor regulations.

Our group of lawyers is trained to carry out exhaustive audits to identify and propose solutions to any problem that may have a negative impact on the transaction.

fusiones empresas abogadosIn due diligence processes for mergers or acquisitions, some of the aspects in which we usually advise our clients are related to:

  Contingencies derived from the contracting of services by non-labor contractual modalities or through subcontracting, intermediation or temporary work companies.

  Compliance, legal treatment, and contingencies derived from implemented compensation and benefits plans, both in cash (including bonuses, incentives, gratuities) and in kind.

  Compliance with regulations on social security, including workplace safety.

  Compliance with remuneration according to work schedule and work shifts.

  Patrimonial and reputation contingencies derived from the fulfillment of individual agreements or contracts, as well as internal policies, collective bargain agreements, or collective work agreements.

  Payments of benefits and indemnities due to the termination or modification of the labor contracts.

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