
Isabel C. Jaramillo Arango

Isabel C. Jaramillo Arango


  • Studies:

     Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Law School. Lawyer. Colombia (1994). Equivalent and recognized title to the Bachelor of Law by the University of Costa Rica (2021). Admitted to the Costa Rican Bar Association.

     Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Law School. Administrative Law Specialist (1995).

     Castilla-La Mancha university. MBA in “Business Management and Human Resources (2009).

     Castilla-La Mancha university. Department of Labor Law and Social Security. Doctor of Law. Outstanding "Cum Laude" unanimously (2011). Title approved and recognized by the University of Costa Rica (2015).

  • Awards:

     First Prize for the Work “End of the Master-MBA. Business Management and Human Resources, awarded by the University of Castilla - La Mancha (2009).

  • Experience:

     Has extensive experience in the area of human management in national and international companies. International consultant in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and social research.

     Bufete Godínez y Asociados S.A. Consulting, social responsibility and human resources areas, from 2011 to date.

  • Teaching:

     Professor in the Department of Labor Law at the Law School of the University of Costa Rica.

     Collaborator in the Department of Labor Law at the Law School of the University of Costa Rica.

  • Publications:


     “Corporate Social Responsibility. Fundamental basis for the fulfillment and strengthening of labor rights”. Editorial Diké, Medellín, 2013.

     “Teleworking. Reflections on the new law to regulate teleworking and its regulations”, Editorial Insolma S.A., Costa Rica, 2020.

  • Contribution in collective works:

     International Dictionary of Labor and Social Security Law. Baylos, Florencio and García (Coordinators), “Labor Administration”, “Sustainable Development” and “Corporate social responsibility” and “discrimination due to political opinion”, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, Spain, 2014.

     “Reflections on corporate social responsibility from its labor dimension”, Espiga Magazine, Year XIV, Nº30, July-December, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, San José, 2015.

     Costa Rican Institute of Procedural Law. Memories VII Congress of Procedural Law. Labor Procedure Reform. The letter of dismissal and the new prescription. Costa Rica, pp. 447-469. 2017.

     History of Procedural Labor Law. Colombia, in History of Labor Procedure Law in Latin America. Monsalve, M. (Coordinator), Latin American Institute of Labor and Social Security Law, Editorial Ibañez, Bogotá, 2020.

     Bolaños Céspedes, F., "Labor Law Course", Volume II, in AA.VV., Corporate social responsibility and its impact on collective bargaining at a transnational level ", Continental Legal Editorial, Costa Rica, 2021.

     Bolaños Céspedes, F., “Labor Law Course, Volume III, in AA.VV., co-authored with Godínez Vargas, A., “Judgment of violations of labor or social security laws”, Editorial Jurídica Continental, Costa Rich, 2021..

  • Articles in electronic publications:

     “Sucession and transfer of companies in Costa Rica” (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, No.1 / 2015. Address: Read Article

     "Occupational Health and Safety in Costa Rica" (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, No.2 / 2015. Address: Read Article

     "Working time and flexibility in Costa Rica" (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, No.1 / 2016. Address: Read Article

     "Equality, Non-Discrimination and Conciliation in Costa Rica" (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, No.2 / 2016. Address: Read Article

     "Temporary contracts and the principle of equal treatment in Costa Rica" (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, No.1 / 2017. Address: Read Article

     “Dismissal for business reasons in Costa Rica”. (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, No.1 / 2018. Address: Read Article

     "Salary and inequalities in Costa Rica". (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, No.3 / 2018. Address: Read Article

     "Outsourcing and production chains in Costa Rica". (Co-authored with Alexander Godínez Vargas). IUSLabor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, No.1 / 2019. Address: Read Article

  • Associations:

     Member of the Costa Rican Labor Law Association.

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